I listened to Imus in the Morning on the way to work today, and was stunned by the sheer idiocy of his interview with Bob Scheiffer. It was more of the usual whining and pathetically stupid Monday morning quarterbacking about the "hopeless" situation in Iraq. Here we have another pair of geniuses talking about the war in Iraq as if it was intended to be a church bake sale. "This just in - yesterday's bake sale became the worst of the century when a mortar hit the brownies!" Well, here's a clue! It's a war! How about if we compare it to how other wars have gone, instead of trying to pretend it was supposed to be an 14-day cruise to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World! A little bias is to be expected. Imus endorsed John Kerry. An endorsement made solely to feed his own overblown ego, I might add. He sees himself as king maker, God help us!
But to get back to the topic at hand, in the course of their discussion of the dreadful state of affairs in Iraq where the terrorists can "take a suicide bomber off the shelf" and set him in motion against the troops, they concluded that there's a difference between the war in Iraq and the war in Vietnam. Are you ready? The difference is that the Viet Cong were no threat to bring the battle to U.S. soil, but the terrorists are! Brilliant! Brilliant! Except they forgot that terrorists already brought the battle to U.S. soil. Not once did they mention 9/11. It was all in the context of terrorist retaliation for our incursion into peaceful Iraq. As if we went into Iraq for the hell of it!
For those of us who view the prospect of a Kerry presidency as being as close to disaster as we'd ever like to get, there is a silver lining. The idiocy of John Kerry's pronouncements is matched by those of his most loyal supporters.