The Minute Man shares his pessimism with us in this post on the President's speech last night.
Bush seemed confident, and what he presented certainly sounded like a plan. Is it achievable? Time will tell, but at this point I will settle for the appearance of competence.He follows his modest hope for the "appearance of competence" with a rundown of predictably "disappointing to annoying" pundit reaction from just anybody he can find who longs for a Kerry presidency. He concludes:
Events are in the saddle, and the horse is rudderless. Or lacks training wheels.And in the comments to his post a gentlemen who goes by WillieStyle adds:
All jokes aside, I pray he pulls this off. If things end up bad over there it';ll be really bad for all of us.Sorry to be the one to spoil all the fun, but he's going to pull it off. Actually, I should say that we will pull it off, because more people than GWB have a stake. Americans want this to happen. Iraqis want this to happen. The troops, and their families, and those who support the troops by saying so in emails and care packages to them will make it happen. Folks, like those who contributed toys to Chief Wiggles for Iraqi children, or money to Spirit of America for radio equipment to provide an alternative voice in Iraq will make it happen. And still others who provide support just by speaking out and saying they support the President, support the mission, support the troops, believe that Iraqis are going to come through for themselves and for us - they will make it happen.I've never wanted to be wrong so much in my life.
We will pull it off. I can see only one sure recipe for failure, and that is a John Kerry presidency. We have in President Bush, a man who has risked his presidency to do what he believes needs to be done to make the world a safer and a better place. He is a man who has the courage to go against world opinion to do what he believes is right. In John Kerry we have a man who is willing to risk American security for the chance to be president. He is a man who is willing to say whatever it is he thinks will make him president. By the time November rolls around enough people are going to recognize this and make the right choice. We will pull it off.