Hope springs eternal! Out with Berger, in with Moore. Well, maybe not for Secretary of State, but at least he'll be among the elite in Boston next week. According to the headline "Michael Moore: I will crash Kerry's party." Republicans said the ``Fahrenheit 9/11'' creator will reflect poorly as a surrogate for Kerry.
"It's just another example of the pessimism and the conspiracy theories coming from John Kerry and John Kerry surrogates,'' said Kevin Madden, spokesman for the Bush-Cheney campaign.
"We're seeing a lot of hate and vitriol from this John Kerry celebrity set - Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg. It shows that their intent is to frame anger as an agenda.''
Democrats on the other hand are thrilled. "Clearly the star of the week will be Sen. Kerry and Sen. (John) Edwards, but having Michael Moore in Boston to enjoy the events just adds a lot of excitement to everything else going on,'' Massachusetts Democratic Party spokeswoman Jane Lane said.
"I don't see it diminishing the real star of the week, but I think every Democrat in Massachusetts will be thrilled.''
Moore will be in the area for a private screening of his movie "Fahrenheit 9/11". Guess who's going to be there. The private screening in Brookline will be for members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, including 150 DNC delegates.
This convention is shaping up to be a beauty even without Michael Moore on hand. He's sure to spice it up, and what fun it will be to see how Dear John reacts. I wonder if Ambassador Joe has a spot on the podium. Wouldn't that take the prize!