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October 16, 2004



RE: JUDITH MILLER--does anyone actually believe that Ms Miller thought that her "outing" could have anything short of a disasterous affect on the life of Valeri Plame? Ms Miller's intent was clear: "her own gratification at the expense of undermining law enforcement". Ms Miller should be at home (at Rikers Island) with those who will agree with her approach to citizenship.

RE: JOHN KERRY--I am a little confused about the "allies" pitch. Why did John's sister go to Australia and work specifically to oust the current Prime Minister (who has stood with GWB on terrorism 100%). I thought Kerry wanted to cultivate our allies--or does he only want to cultivate those allies who agree with him? I would be very interested in a response from some of the Kerry supporters.

Tom Bowler

Lord Kerry's proxy campaign for the ousting Australian Prime Minister John Howard is yet another display of the diplomatic prowess we could expect from a Kerry administration. Who would we have for allies?

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