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December 30, 2004



Egeland's a career aid worker so it's no surprise he might lose his marbles occasionally and show some frustration. I read the full remarks and didn't think he was referring to the United States in particular.

The Republicans most lasting contribution to American politics since World War II has been using government institutions amd legislation to aid wealth creation. It's why I've been so disappointed in the pork barrel spending and anti-competitive profligacy out of the Repubs controlling Congress in the last 4 years.

Tom Bowler

If by "legislation to aid wealth creation" you mean Reagan's initiatives to get government out of the way so that people could go about the business of making a living and creating the wealth, then I'll go along with you. Through the 60's and 70's the Republicans were futilely trying to outcompassion the Democrats and the result was out of control spending on social programs that fostered dependency on government largesse.


I'm definitely not talking about Great Society era initiatives. LBJ is the most overrated and one of the worst Presidents in our history. Since the bulk of my memory of Republican politics is from 1980 onward, this is the period I am thinking about.

Tom Bowler

I think we tend to agree on a lot of things. I also think I have the advantage on perspective, having been around when JFK, LBJ, and Nixon were working their "magic".


Yes I defer on "perspective". Happy New Year Tom.

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