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January 25, 2005



Democracy is evil...so if the Iraqis vote in representatives who envision a theocratic, pious, yet democratic Iraq, Zarqawi will consider the results of such an election "evil". Perhaps some of the forces opposing us there simply don't understand what democracy is.

Tom Bowler

I think of it in terms of the degree to which "the people" are to be trusted. Libertarians are most trustful of the people. Some would say unrealistically so, and they may have a case. Totalitarians are most distrustful of the people. Mostly we fall somewhere between the extremes of fully trusting and fully distrusting. An issue I've always considered something of a barometer is gun control. A persons position indicates his or her willingness to trust the people verses willingness to trust government. It's easy to trust government when you think you're in charge.


I don't think the Iraqis truly understand that theocracy and democracy are not incompatible. As long as those in the theocracy stand for election every few years, the people can hold them accountable.

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