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February 13, 2005



"This is posturing and partisanship at its absolute worst."

Of course it is. Many non-Repubs have caught onto this also.

Tom Bowler

In the view of many, myself included, the Democratic party has been taken over by the far left. They've been headed that way for a long time. It's just been taking a while for the moderates to catch on to it, but they are as evidenced by our recent election. To repeat a well worn theme of mine, the far left are forced to jettison the truth if they hope to win converts. This is like "1984".


At this point, I'm far less cynical than you; I simply don't believe they're used to being a minority party. Nothing more or less. If they're still pulling the same stuff in 10 years (when they hold only 30% of Congress) then I'll agree.

Tom Bowler

My guess is we're at the end of the leftward drift. Howard Dean as DNC Chairman may be the culmination of it. Some of the party powerful will still be pulling this kind of stuff, but the voters will punish them for it. The deal is, nowadays the truth comes out through a the internet and talk radio. It use to be very easy to feed the voters a bunch of BS, but it's a lot harder now. Politicians been so used to getting away with it all these years, they'll turn around and contradict themselves without batting an eye and expect everybody's just going to go along. Voters! You know! They've got the attention span of a gnat! But they're getting caught now.


Howard Dean was a centrist in Vermont; I'm curious to see how he handles himself as chairman. You sound like you have a lot of longtime anti-Democratic angst.


Incidentally, this Dem intractibility on SS reform is sending me farther right.

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