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February 03, 2005



Well again, this guy is about as far left as it gets. Let's renounce the extremists on both sides and move forward together.

Tom Bowler

Awwww. What fun would that be? To be serious about it, my worry is that this guy is not so extreme. I suppose we need to take a wait and see attitude with regard to Howard Dean's tenure as DNC chairman, should that come about, but my suspicion is this guy is representative of Democratic leadership - Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, Kennedy. I see that as a bonanza for the Republicans.

You have to admit, though, it is a funny caption.


This guy is extreme because he's a "coast" liberal. Coast liberals are very far from the median Democrat.

Howard Dean governed Vermont as a centrist--I have no idea what happened to his thinking in the last 2 years.

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