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February 21, 2005



Of course when Jason Vest, a reporter for the American Prospect and the Nation, uncovers the
name of the Chief of the Operations Division;
crickets could be heard in the background. We
now know through the Mitrokhin Archive that Phillip Agee's particular form of disssidence was funded in part through the KGB. (Hat tip; one of Phillip Agee's co-editors on a like minded sort of agitprop, was none other than Sidney Blumenthal, most recently bleating about Jeff
Gannon as a threat to the Republic


Interesting! As I recall, the Left, now weeping crocodile tears about outing CIA agents, couldn't get enough of it in the 1970s. The genuine traitor Phillip Agee was made into a hero by them.


Tom Bowler

Interesting? It's almost hilarious! By now they're all back to seeing a dastardly crime in the "outing of Valerie Plame". This in spite of the fact that Fitzgerald to my great disappointment was unable to find a real crime in this affair. The fact that he didn't will makes it that much easier for the press to pontificate about the damage down by revealing her identity. They can continue to make it up as they go along.

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