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« Florida takes the next step | Main | The press conference »

April 28, 2005



We need someone to rock the boat. The boat has been sinking for too many years! Bolton is the right man for the job. And the liboloons hate it.

Tom Bowler

The President gave no sign of backing off of the Bolton nomination at his news conference last night, so maybe there's room for hope. Perhaps we should have a little faith in Dr. Frist.

Jason Pappas

Bolton is clearly a step in the right direction. The Bolton nomination is a referendum of the whole Bush approach – as that WSJ quote shows. If Bush backs down he backs away from his whole foreign policy approach.

Of course, I don’t think the U.N. can be reformed. It’s a flawed concept - a collection of hateful envious dictatorships. It has a pathetic track record. I particularly single out Kofi Annan – not for the oil-for-food scandal – but for mush worse (see my blog).

However, if we’re going to play the U.N. game, Bolton is our Babe Ruth. Let him step up to the plate and hit a few.

Jason Pappas

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