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April 25, 2005



Happy 1 year.

Tom Bowler

Thanks, it's been great fun. Glad you stopped by.


Wow... You've been blogging for a full year? I don't recall having been to this weblog before - I just realized how long it's been since I started my lack of previously-high level of involvment in the Blogosphere. I wish I had more time for this, but unfortunately, that does not seem likely at this time.

This is the first time that I recall being to this site... From an initial look at your front page and sidebar, it's hard to tell where your viewpoints fall on the issue of President Bush's foreign policy, and the Iraq war issue, which has been greatly contested in the Blogospere, and many other places, by many of us for the past few years. And unfortunately, I won't have a chance to look around more here, since it's about to be 5 in the morning... (and I still need to get to bed! :-). Your website looks good, though, and I hope to be back here before too long.

Tom Bowler

You won't have much trouble seeing where I come down on those issues once you get a chance to look around. November archives are a good place to start. Stop by any time.

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