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« The press conference | Main | Even the comments are a scream »

April 29, 2005


Clint Lovell

Whenever and wherever one encounters the hypocrisy that is today's MSM, one must treat with it on a very elementary level as concepts such as national security, tyranny, and freedom are very difficult for them to understand.

Like FDR, Bush bet the ranch on doing the right thing and standing up to the enemies of freedom and democracy knowing that it would work out because anyone given the fundamental choice will soon not only opt for freedom and democracy, but will eventually realize there is no substitute worth living for. From that point it is a very small leap (if leap we can call it) for a true nationalist (of any country) to realize that sometimes you have to go to war to prove you are in fact someone (or a nation) that abhors war because wars are essentially conflicts of freedom and tyranny and tyranny must always be stopped.

In today's America there is a generation that has grown up with power and privilege and come to believe it is their inherent right to have these benefits. They have insulated themselves from the very conditions that created these benefits so as to allow themselves that added luxury of being able to utilize their powers and privileges so as to make others understand that what they do is indeed in all our best interests and therefore the means are justified and the ends are assured.

We call these people denizens of the ivory tower because they have divorced themselves (and their followers) from the need to consider abject reality even when their actions are so far removed from reality to be ludicrious on their face.

As in the past, this always leads to tremendous problems that can only make the very existence of us all a continuing at-risk experience.

The press is therefore to be forgiven because just like a retarded child, their actions are clearly understood once it is realized that what they seek is their own self-aggrandizement at the price of us all.

The only question you have to answer is whether you will "assume the position" and continue to take it (i.e.: bent over asking for more) or stand up and make it clear that this kind of conduct is unacceptable to anyone and should therefore be eliminated wherever it is found.

Well? Do you have the guts?

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