I've been umimpressed by Senator Frist. It remains to be seen if he'll do anything to change that, but so far I'd say he's been ineffectual. Sunday he spoke to the Family Research Council about the "nuclear option".
To ensure Justice Owen and other judicial nominees get a vote, I've been trying to work out a compromise that would do just that. It's not easy. My Democratic counterpart, Senator Reid, calls me a radical Republican. I don't think it's radical to ask senators to vote. I don't think it's radical to expect senators to fulfill their constitutional responsibilities. I don't think it's radical to restore precedents that worked so well for 214 years.Now if Senator Reid continues to obstruct the process, we will consider what opponents call the "nuclear option." Only in the United States Senate could it be considered a devastating option to allow a vote. Most places call that democracy.
Perhaps there is room for hope, but the idea that he's been trying to work out a compromise isn't very encouraging.
The Bolton nomination is going to be the real test for Frist. If he's unable or unwilling to bring his Republican colleagues into line on this, and get the President his man at the UN, he should just stop the charade. What would be the point of continuing the masquerade as Senate Majority Leader?
Hi Tom-I agree with everything you said here. I am very unimpressed with a lot of things lately, to do with Congress. The GOP is acting like wimps. We have both houses, the White House and we still have to compromise????
Posted by: Raven | April 27, 2005 at 08:23 AM