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June 24, 2005



How do we get an amendment through? The idea of 7-11 taking my home someday really sucks.

Tom Bowler

A Constitutional Amendment has to be passed by two thirds majorities in both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. It then has to be ratified by legislatures of three fourths of the states. I think the best way to get started would be to contact your representatives, your Congressman and both Senators. If enough people make enough noise about it something might get done.

That said, there's at least one legal type blogger who thinks the decision may not be all that bad because it leaves open a course of action in which the states legislatively protect property rights. In my quick scan of the decision I didn't find that part, which doesn't mean it's not there. So another thing you could do is contact your state representatives to tell them how unhappy you are with the Kelo decision. They will listen, especially if enough people are talking to them about it.

Tom Bowler

P.S. They may not do anything about it, but they will listen.

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