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August 27, 2005



When I saw the first entry, upon coming to this weblog, I saw that this site may not be entirely what one would expect, from its title. This other recent entry confirms this.

I think that this type of philosophy may correspond to what's on the sidebar; I've seen several weblogs in this "neolibertarian" Blogosphere segment. I've read some commentary from libertarian web publications on this type of ideology; Professor Rothbard had an article on this issue, from a few years ago (though I'm not saying that it necessarily applies to this weblog, and to others in the 'neolibertarian network'... It was from the 1990s, I think). Anyway, interesting weblog... And when I get more time (it's - quite unfortunately - past 1:00 AM here)... I should look around 'Libertarian Leanings' more.

Tom Bowler

Please do look around Libertarian Leanings, and feel welcome. You are correct in that you won't find the strict capital "L" Libertarian philosophy that I might have favored some years ago.

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