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« Reality in Iraq | Main | Miller agrees to testify - so soon! »

September 29, 2005



Now I can't wait for the next nomination. Does the Prez have the cajones and political capital to do what he has always said he would do - nominate another Scalia or Thomas?

Tom Bowler

I certainly hope so too, and I'm fairly confident he will. The Roberts nomination was beauty from a tactical standpoint, and probably in the long term. The Dems were stymied over it and could never mount a credible attack. He's got them working overtime trying to dig up controversy over every possible candidate they can think of, and he's wearing them thin. It's going to be ugly but the Democrats are going to wind up looking like... well, just what they are.

Ol' BC

I'm not sure he has the backbone to nominate a constitution respecting conservative. He has a tendency to support the liberal Republican when challenged by a conservative. Plus that, Roberts is too new to rate. Let's hope for the best though. He should make the Democrats look even more silly to the nation.

Tom Bowler

I don't have any doubts about his backbone. I think he picks his fights knowing he can't win all of them, or even afford to expend the effort fighting some of them. This gets interpreted as having no backbone. I'd say he's shown enough strength on other issues, like Iraq, to prove he's got the courage to fight. It's a question of whether or not to fight for something of minor importance or save it for the important things. The next Supreme Court nomination is one of the important things.

I agree that Roberts is too new to rate, but it's hard to imagine he'll turn out to be a liberal activist justice, based on what we know.

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