Having thought about it over the weekend, I conclude that Fitzgerald's decision to pursue charges for lying, obstruction, and perjury in the investigation of a non-crime will have the effect of validating the position of those who accuse the Administration of lying to justify the invasion of Iraq. Now the news media will simply repeat those claims, and without rebuttal from the Administration they could become the truth by default. A high profile trial for the crime of disclosing classified information would have to delve into the facts surrounding Ambassador Joe's bogus trip. A trial about lying to the grand jury will be a "he said, she said" affair which will probably bring none of that into the light.
I had thought that Fitzgerald may have followed the course that he did because he had no choice, but this Newsmax article claims there may be some partisanship involved.
...reporters seldom note that Fitzgerald's biggest case prior to Leakgate is his ongoing corruption probe into former Illinois Republican Governor George Ryan, who happens to be on trial right now.
Fitzgerald indicted Ryan on corruption charges in December 2003, the same month he was tapped to probe Leakgate, in an investigation that saw more than 60 indictments of Ryan administration figures and political appointees.
For those keeping score on Mr. Fitzgerald's political targets, the count currently stands at 60-plus Republicans vs. 2 Democrats - not counting Mr. Libby.
In Chicago politics the guy can find only Republicans to indict? I didn't know there were any Republicans in Chicago.
Meanwhile MacRanger thinks the Iraq/Niger connection will not drop out of sight -- at least not if he can help it.
While everyone concentrated on Joe Wilson’s trip to Niger in 2002, the real question is just what did Joe Wilson go to Niger in 1999 for?
The Senate Report report mentions this trip. Why did Ms. Plame recommend him for this particular trip? More importantly, what was the CIA’s interest in Niger in 1999.
To answer he question we have to see what took place “under the palms” in 1999 and even before...The Game has only begun.