American Thinker carries a persuasive article by Clarice Feldman who says the case presented by Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald may have nothing to do with the outing of Valerie Plame, but everything to do with forged documents relating to the sale of Uranium to Iraq.
If Wilson had seen those documents before the United States government had them, the question is where, when, and how did he see them? Could he possibly have been involved in the production of these forgeries, or their transmittal to our government? We don’t know, of course, but these are the sort of questions that might interest a federal grand jury.
It has struck me as peculiar that such clumsy forgeries were passed from the CIA to the IAEA February 2003, as if we regarded them as plausible evidence of Saddam buying uranium from Niger. In any event, we never did rely on them in making our threat assessment. But handing these documents to the IAEA made it seem as though we had, and thus offered ammunition to the war’s critics like Wilson, who argued the case for war was made on faulty grounds.