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May 19, 2006



The Sunni terror gangs are looking for people to shake down to continue to finance their mayhem, so who do they look to first, just like the Black Hand, just like the Mafia, they look amongst THEIR OWN. And that means Sunnis with money, or businesses.

Don't necessarily take this as an indication that these people are fleeing the Shiites. Though that might be a factor.

The situation isn't by any means hopeless. The departure of these people, the departure of their money, FURTHER isolates the terror gangs WITHIN THE SUNNI communities, WHO ARE ALREADY having problems with their Sunni coreligionists.

THE new government has promised a massive crackdown on the killers. THIS IS GOOD.

It mirrors developements we saw decades ago in El Salvador. In El Salvador, there were groups known as the "Death Squads." They had a leader, his name was D'Aubisson, {something like that, the name and spelling is vague}. WHEN THE VIOLENCE became too much for the Salavadorans to take any more, in their next Presidential election, they chose D'Aubisson, the KNOWN leader of the "Death Squads." It was the turning point. His election, and the draconian measures he initiated against the Marxist/Socialist killers and terrorists, effectively ended the Salvadoran problem.

WE WANT TO SEE THE SAME thing happen in Iraq. WE WANT THE PEOPLE to demand action against the killers.

There is a reason that no elected government has ever been toppled by terrorists, and that's because the people DEMAND action from their ELECTED leaders, who thus have a mandate to get tough, and get brutal too.

These killer gangs in iraq are going to have a real rough time, real soon.

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