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June 16, 2006


S. Schunk

If you haven't read Henry Hyde's full speech, you should. It's for the ages. I've posted it in full here.

Tom Bowler

I agree, it's a great speech. Thanks for putting in the link.

HD Bender

Being an x lifelong Republican I'm amazed at how easily the public is mislead. America is being lied to to enrich the few. The same folks that get rich on the war also get rich by keeping us in fear always creating a new bogeyman. I'm so frustrated by the lies being told as truth by all main stream media as they are owned by the same manipulators. We must not reelect a single incumbent because a common idiot could not do worse then these guys. Actually they are doing quite well for themselves fooling us into bad decisions by any and all deceptions being fully supported by the lying left/right media. Always follow the money and never listen to the BS. Help save America from corporate greed and fascism.

Tom Bowler

Ex lifelong Republican? Really? What country? Sorry. That was a cheap shot. Joking aside, I find I'm less frustrated at the direction of our country than at any time I can remember. Media lies are not the problem they once were, now that everybody knows they're lying. And they don't often come right out and lie. They're just quite selective about the truths that get reported and in what proportions.

And I do follow the money, but it's not legitimate corporate profits that shows up on a tax return that you have to worry about. It's the stuff that goes where you can't see it -- like into somebody's freezer.

ny patriot

Or Haliburton stock options.

You get your yuks over a backwater congressman hiding $90Gs in the fridge while every government contract in Iraq goes to the Republican lobbyists. What a joke Tom. I'm not downplaying the criminality of Jefferson or Cunningham for that matter, but screwing the public in the behind either legally or illegally causes the same amount of pain.

Less frutrated? You stand tall in the minority my friend. Opinion polls in this country show such a great disconnect, such a great deal of "frustration" that I'm afraid you are losing complete touch as you continuously drink the kool-aid. How sad.

Tom Bowler

Oh, please. Halliburton? You think the magic incantation "Halliburton" is going to work over here? Last I heard they were losing their shirts in Iraq. Can you tell me something Halliburton has done that was illegal?

michael i

Whatever the circumstance, retreat is the Democratic answer.

Ahh, Tom Bowler, that was a bell-ringer line! Like true-believer claims for paranormal powers or UFOs from distant planets, such claims of the Democratics are not falsifiable and therefore are far, far from being "reality-based".

Similarly, the Raise Taxes and Increase Spending no matter what fiscal bromides of the mainstream Democratics also lack falsifiability-in-principle. Untestable beliefs pervade Democratic Party policy bromides and the in-the-dustbin-of-history programme of so-called Scientific Socialism.

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