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July 05, 2006


Jon Melia

Remember that energy is neither created nor destroyed, just converted from one form to another. How is it possible to burn milions of barrels of oil, conversion of energy into heat, and not expect some effect. This also applies to other forms of energy manufacturing, i.e., Wind Farms, Hydro etc. The wind energy is depleted as it crosses the mountains in northern California, how can this not effect the climate on the other side of the mountains? Hydro stores power to be released at preplanned times. This energy fluctuation of everything Downstream is affected.
How is it possible that all of the buffoons in the energy theater be it Oil or wind or tidal have such blinders on that they refuse to accept FACTS od science. It is not just oil that causes the warming, that is just a major player but if we were to convert to solar or wind dramatically the shift would be towards them for causing Global Warming.


Always follow the money. The predictions of doom and disaster generally get the most return on investment for these people. As Bjorn Lomborg said in The Skeptical Environmentalist (in general I'm not going to go look for specific quotes), the only way they can get funding is if they keep yelling about how bad things are. If they note any improvement, funding drops off. So you will never hear an environmentalist tell you that anything we've done to date has improved the Earth's environment - although it has - only the doom and gloom are allowed to be broadcast.

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