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« Pyrrhic victory | Main | Protesting the wedding »

August 25, 2006


Sissy Willis

I think it's going to be okay, after all. This is wonderful news.

ny patriot

Freedom and democracy are surely two universal truths that all of mankind should not have to fight for. We should all be born with them. Unfortunately, in many regions of the world (like the middle east), these truths run head-on into religious fanaticism that, when couplded with a populace that is mostly uneducated and impoversihed, will almost always snuff out these idyllistic dreams of westernized rights. For example, take a look at Israel. The reason why democracy can thrive in this region of the ME has little to do with the Jewish faith but rather with the nationalized education system already in place qhich quid pro quo leads to a nation of wealthy (wealth in the sense of "not poor") citizenry. Now logic woould then follow suit that a wealthy and educated populace would recognize a need for defense and thus budget accordingly, like the Israelis certainly do. But it all started out with a culture of education and econmic success - 2 things completely lacking not only in Iraq but throughout much of the Middle East and not coincedentally, much of the un-democratic Third World.

Tom Bowler

Freedom and democracy are surely two universal truths that all of mankind should not have to fight for.

But throughout history, freedom and democracy have never been won without a fight. You can lose them without a fight but you can't win them.


it should come as no surprise that we have to fight for freedom, being a libertarian this is 2nd nature :)

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