In an article that claims Democrats regained power on "a mandate for change,"
Voters handed Democrats a mandate for change on Nov. 7, politicians and analysts agree...
The Washington Post explains why they will now do nothing.
"The elections definitely have raised expectations in immigrant communities that real reform is possible," said Josh Bernstein of the National Immigration Law Center, which supports broad-based changes to help illegal workers. "But it's still too early to say whether that will translate into actual legislation."
A major rewrite of immigration laws "is enormously complicated," Bernstein said, "and has deep effects on our economy, our identity, the kind of country we're going to be. There are a lot of interests that are very legitimate, whether it's business, worker unions or immigrants from different countries. . . . It's highly emotionally charged on all sides."
Congressional Democrats also are moving carefully on Bush's policy of allowing the National Security Agency to eavesdrop without obtaining warrants on communications between the United States and abroad in the name of combating terrorism. Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.), who will chair the Senate intelligence committee, recently said he will have the panel sift through information and arguments before taking any legislative steps.
"We must insist on full access to the NSA warrantless surveillance program and the CIA detention and interrogation program," Rockefeller said. "Only then can we conduct thorough oversight of these programs and determine whether they are legal, appropriate and effective and what, if any, legislative action must be taken."
But Rockefeller is not ready to schedule hearings, draw up witness lists or indicate who might be subpoenaed, said his spokeswoman, Wendy Morigi. "We're not there yet," she said.
Translation: With the election over the focus switches to re-election. Since they had no plan going in, other than we're-not-Bush, they'll need some time to make one. But it will be about consolidating power.
Funny how the '94 election where the GOP won control was NOT a mandate for change, but this past election where the RATS usurped control was. Yet another example of the LameStream Media's inherant bias.
Posted by: bryan | November 27, 2006 at 11:48 AM