Joe Lieberman's column in this morning's Opinion Journal is the voice of reason in an unreasonable city.
Congress thus faces a choice in the weeks and months ahead. Will we allow our actions to be driven by the changing conditions on the ground in Iraq--or by the unchanging political and ideological positions long ago staked out in Washington? What ultimately matters more to us: the real fight over there, or the political fight over here?
I know the answer to that one. For Democrats the important fight is the political fight over here. As beneficiaries of a largely anti-war, anti-Bush mainstream press who provide them cover, Democrats now brazenly push to bring about the objectives of our terrorist enemies, and they seem to think nobody notices. They think they can just blame everything on George Bush. But the Dems really ought to be careful what they wish for. If they succeed in bringing about an American defeat in Iraq, there will be heavy political price to pay, and their allies in the press may be too busy covering their own butts to worry about the fate of congressional Democrats.