Amir Taheri offers a mixed judgment on the announced withdrawal of Danish and British troops from Iraq in today's New York Post. On one hand there are those who greet the announcement as an admission of failure. On the other there are those who take it as a sign of progress.
Iraq's leaders, starting with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, insist that they were consulted about the British and Danish decisions and welcome it. Indeed, the Iraqis claim that the British had agreed to hand over control of all four provinces of the "deep south" by last December - but, in the event, only transferred two (Maysan and Muthanna). But now the other two (Basra and Dhi-Qar) are expected to be shifted to exclusive Iraqi control before next Christmas.
On balance though Mr. Taheri thinks it would be better if the Brits and the Danes were to stay awhile longer. I'm inclined to agree. If inserting more American troops is better for Iraq, more British and Danish troops would be better as well.