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« Death of free thought | Main | The real front »

March 23, 2007



To say Nancy Pelosi pisses me off would be an understatement.

Tom Bowler

You're not alone.

Dan O.

I'm trying to temember the sound byte from Pelosi I heard on the radio yesterday. Something like "The American people do not want a war without an end". Well, yea!

But to end the war in the middle doesn't make much sense, does it? What do these people think bringing the troops home is going to accomplish towards keeping terrorists out of the U.S.? Are we just supposed to wait until they come hear then send the troops after them?

They never liked the idea of using the military on U.S. soil when it's been suggested in the past such as for queling riots. Will they except it any better to fight terrorists in our streets when the innocent bystanders are our own citizens?

I hope all those people who voted democrat are freaking happy when the troops come home. I'm sure glad that I don't live near any prime targets. Wait, there is Cleveland Center Air Traffic Control only about 5mi as the crow flies. Geez, what is wrong with these people?

Trevor's right! An understatement.

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