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April 17, 2007



Sorry, I had to laugh. The Logan Act. On the books for over two centuries. Despite civil war, WWII and Vietnam it was never, ever used to prosecute anyone. Even Nixon never used it! Not even Jane Fonda, who was practically begging for it, was even indicted under it. And Pelosi would be convicted under it. Don't make me laugh. Oh, sorry, too late.

Tom Bowler

Jane was not Speaker of the House. Nobody ever thought she was trying to conduct foreign policy. Nancy, on the other hand, is in a position that has the potential of affecting U.S. policy. For her to negotiate with a foreign power from a standpoint that hers will be the prevailing foreign policy view after the next election is a problem -- not that I think she will be indicted.


Ms. Rosenthall's article miscorrectly attributed the above quote to an editorial in The Daily Star. The editorial in question was merely quoting a Syrian publication and took a different view of Pelosi's visit. The Weekly Standard has corrected the article and has an updated version on their Web site.

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