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April 15, 2007



This is one person whom I enjoy watching squirm. What I can't understand is why she hasn't come clean, fessed up and admitted that she supported the war, voted to authorize and has now changed her mind. It's straight-forward and, ahem, honest. She's not as politically astute as many give her credit for...this could have been past her months ago, but instead she continues to "weasel" around the topic, playing both sides of the fence. It's so transparent, I'm surprised she's still running so strong in the polls.

Tom Bowler

Let's not underestimate the power of the press. The Democrats with lots of help from the press have done a spectacular job of branding the Republicans as the party of corruption. There are vast numbers of people who believe it and are willing to vote for and to contribute money to the "not Repulicans". Hillary is perceived to be capable of winning, and that's all that counts.


Good point. I agree that the money and the votes will go to "not Republicans". If I were to place a wager, my money (not my vote!) would be for HC to win...she may lose some votes from the rabid anti-war crowd, but will more than gain from the "anyone but Republican crowd".

Tom Bowler

There are lots of "not Republicans" at the moment, but it will be interesting to see how things look a year from now. I see that the Pakistanis are protesting Taliban style Islam and calling it terrorism. So far the mainstream press is ignoring that story. A year from now Iraq will not be the same as it is today. Whatever it is by then, it will not be the same. Iraqis are getting very tired of being victims of terrorism. More and more they are coming to realize that Americans are not the ones terrorizing them, and every month their army gets a little bigger. What happens if General Petraeus should be successful? I think the Democrats believe he will be very successful. I think that's what drives them to demand withdrawal from Iraq right now.

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