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« Wolfowitz resigns | Main | Turning the corner »

May 18, 2007



I don't think Iraqi Sunni terrorists give a yipe about the U.S. Congressional decisions. They just want kick us in the face and make us bleed out of various orifices. I think the article title is misleading. You are drinking the Neocon magic Kool-Aid of Wishful Thinking. I would like to see a survey of American soldiers who have served in COMBAT in Iraq on whether they believe that terrorism is fading. I'll bet you'd hear a different story. The Bush administration has seriously misjudged this one. Didn't Cheney say that the insurgency was the last gasp of a bunch of die-hards? Takes one to know one, Dick!

Tom Bowler

You're in denial if you believe the terrorists are not paying attention to the debate in Washington. You have to be positively delusional to suggest that the terrorists -- Sunni, al Qaeda, or other -- have any chance whatever of winning, other than by persuading Democrats to pull the plug and hand them the victory. In that regard the Democrats and the media have been the terrorists most important allies, continually promoting what would otherwist be the terrorists' lost cause.

Ol' BC

Well, Bob, I have spoken to several who indicate terrorism is fading and fading quite a bit in most parts of the country. One was a Colonel who secured Mosul and brought home every soldier who went over with him for the tour of duty. You may have heard of the iron man line (the berm around Mosul).

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