According to Ed Morrissey the Fairness Doctrine, revival of which was intended to muzzle conservative talk radio, has been killed.
The second is the Pence amendment to forbid the FCC from re-enacting the Fairness Doctrine. I live-blogged the debate on this amendment earlier today, and the voice vote at the time was said to carry Pence to victory. He wanted a recorded vote and got it. The final result: an overwhelming rejection of the Fairness Doctrine, 309-115, with 1 vote present. The Democrats split almost exactly, while all voting Republicans voted for the amendment.
Thank God for that. I've never heard anything so misnomered as the "Fairness" Doctrine. I don't care who it's against, liberals, conservatives, whoever. It's not "fair." If the liberals want to succeed they have to do it the free-market way like everyone else.
Posted by: Robert M. | June 29, 2007 at 10:57 AM