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« Private Scott Thomas Beauchamp | Main | Interesting poll results »

August 07, 2007


Sissy WIllis

Hi, Tom --

I wrote about this article today, too. A meaty topic, the unwitting assist our fellow citizens of the Useful Idiot community gave and continue to give the enemies of freedom. To this day they still don't seem to understand they're being used.

Tom Bowler

Hi Sissy,

I just read your article. Very nicely done. However, I think you are too kind to the Useful Idiot community. With the Democratic leadership in particular, I think they know what's going on but they view it in terms of shared goals with our potential allies. So what if they happen to be our enemies at the moment. Our Useful Idiot Democratic leaders see themselves as the ones in the driver's seat.

The mainstream press has done a spectacular job of turning treason into just another point of view.


I will say this much for you Tom. Your web site does point out the problems of the left. The democrat liberal position seems to center on demonizing our institutions and, in the case of Vietnam, claiming our young 20-somethings were barbarians.

How does a democrat get the presidential nomination for his party when he lied his butt off in front of the United States senate and slandered our young men and women?

In fact, NEITHER of the Senators from Massachusetts sets a good example for our youth. Yet they are considered “leaders” of their party in the Senate.


Incidentally, in the above post, I was referring to Kerry's testimony (under oath) when he was a 20-something before a United States Senate committee.

He has lied in front of the Senate on many other occasions as well, so I felt the need to be more specific.

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