Iraq Pundit, who lives in the DC area, answered the call of a sound truck that went through his neighborhood this past weekend trying to drum up support for an anti-war rally at the White House.
I went in search of protesting Iraqis.
There were all kinds of people there, many of them carrying signs. Some signs said, "Support the troops, bring them home." Despite my own strong feelings about the war, I can empathize with the sentiment. I saw a sign that asked, "How did our oil get under their sand?" which I thought was funny. I saw a young lady with a T-shirt that said "Make levees, not war," which I thought was cute. I saw Green Peace banners and I saw some gay rainbow flags. I saw a lot of U.S. flags, and I even saw Palestinian flags. But though I looked for them, I couldn't see any Iraqi flags. Not one...
...Actually, I didn't see any sign of Iraqis at all, though obviously, some might have been there. I saw no signs indicating that Iraqis had taken advantage of the march to demand that U.S. troops leave Iraq. In fact, you could be right in the middle of the protest, as I was, and hear no mention of Iraqis. At least I didn't.
You didn't think Iraqis were an important part of this whole thing now did you? If you did I have some swampland in Arizona I'd like to sell you...
Posted by: Teresa | September 18, 2007 at 11:05 AM
Arizona? Great! I'll buy it! It's that swampland in Florida ya gotta watch out for.
*grinning back at ya*
Posted by: Tom Bowler | September 18, 2007 at 11:58 AM