...is a prospect that strikes terror in the hearts of liberal bloggers. The Republican presidential front runners all support keeping an American military presence in Iraq until the Iraqis are able to maintain security and self government by themselves. Rudy Giuliani is the front runner, therefore Rudy Giuliani is the most frequent target of their hyperbolic attacks.
The possibility of a Giuliani presidency had the Atlantic's Matthew Yglesias struggling for words: "One thing I'm wrestling with is finding a way to convey how terrified I am of the prospect of a Rudy Giuliani presidency in terms of its impact on our foreign policy."
But Talking Point Memo's Mr. Marshall comes close to best explaining why Mr. Giuliani is worse than Mitt Romney. "I know I've said before that Romney's profound and almost incalculable phoniness is a terrifying prospect to behold in a possible president. But the danger of phoniness, aesthetic or otherwise, cannot hold a candle to the truly catastrophic foreign policy Giuliani would likely pursue if he got anywhere near the Oval Office," Mr. Marshall wrote.
The angry left would prefer peaceful coexistence with the terrorists as a matter of policy. Why else would they consistently demand we surrender to them.