The Washington Times describes a tenacious hold on denial by congressional Democrats.
Top Democrats yesterday rejected reports of U.S. military progress in Iraq, saying victory remains "out of reach" as long as political divisions roil Baghdad.
"It's not getting better; it's getting worse," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat. "The goal remains out of reach."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, said the reduced violence in Iraq wasn't enough to win her support for the mission.
Meanwhile, back in Iraq,
Iraqi officials plan to reduce checkpoints, ease curfews and reopen some roads in and around Baghdad because of improving security. Sunni Arab tribal leaders in western Anbar province, now allied with the U.S. military, say al Qaeda is "almost defeated" in their once-chaotic region.
You'd think the future of the Democratic party is at stake.
"Democrats can't acknowledge the fact that our troops are winning the war against al Qaeda in Iraq without admitting that they've been dead wrong on the biggest national challenge of our generation at the same time," said House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican.
With so much riding on the outcome Democrats are steadfast in their resolve, unwilling to settle for victory without a fight. The occasion for this round of defeatism is passage of their latest legislative effort to bolster al Qaeda's fading fortunes in Iraq. House Democrats passed an emergency funding bill that links $50 billion to a complete pullout from Iraq by December. President Bush will veto it since it encroaches on his authority as commander in chief.
In another age, the sense of a victory within reach would have united Americans. In another age, Democrats thought liberty was worth fighting for. They don't anymore. Getting elected is what they fight for. Nothing else matters.