Two quotes from a Washington Times story on the resignation of Emilio Gonzalez, head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, caught my attention. The second one first:
Immigration groups and some editorial pages were more pointed, with the New York Times saying Mr. Gonzalez was "leaving behind a gummed-up bureaucracy and perhaps a million empty promises." The paper said the glut of applications seems well-positioned to help deny potential Democratic voters from being able to vote.
And then this one which actually came first in the story:
"I can't allow citizenship to be politicized. It was allowed once before in the '90s, and it was a disaster, and I'm not going to allow it again," Emilio Gonzalez, whose resignation takes effect April 18 after more than two years as director of the agency, told The Washington Times.
The '90s. Let's see, that would be the Clinton administration. Can we expect a Hillary administration to seek a demographic shift in the U.S. through immigration "reform?" Is that what Bill had in mind in the '90s?