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« From the Democratic National Convention -- Bounce! | Main | Prudence as principle »

August 31, 2008


David Holliday

I have a good friend who is a Democrat and who can't see the Palin pick as anything but a losing choice. His bottom line, "Palin is out of her league." I don't agree with him. But there is no arguing with him. That Obama has no demonstrated leadership experience. That Palin is a state Governor and a demonstrated reformer. These don't register.

Listening to my friend and watching the response of "professional" Democrats, I think the Democrats belief structure is such that they can't see Palin for what she is. They have this huge blindspot that is Palin. They aren't running against her or John McCain. Palin and McCain are both stand-ins in the Democrats third attempt to defeat George W. Bush.

The Democrats have a huge emotional investment in defeating Bush. They are practically frothing at the mouth because they think they are on the verge of beating him. That Bush isn't running doesn't matter. The Democrats have turned McCain into a surrogate of Bush. McCain is the equivalent of Putin's Medvedev in their minds.

I believe, whether they are consciously aware of it, that the Democrats belief is that winning this election is equivalent to being recognized within the country that they were right these past 8 years and that the "failures" of the Republicans and Bush Administration would have been avoided if they held the office. The proof of the country's recognition will be the election of Obama, the "anti-Bush".

But Palin doesn't fit the model. She isn't fitting in as a Bush surrogate. She is threatening the realization of their vision. Anything that stands in the way of their vision will be vigorously attacked. I expect this is only the beginning of what is going to be an incredibly nasty campaign.

I hope Sarah Palin has a tremendous amount of self-confidence and fortitude. Because she is going to need it. The Democrats are going to throw anything and everything at her. The more successful she is at defeating those attacks the more desperate the future attempts will be.

Tom Bowler

I think the bigger problem for the Democrats is that their key issue is rapidly escaping them if it hasn't gotten away already. They swept into power in 2006 on a wave of voter disatisfaction with the war in Iraq, but since the surge has settled things down over there unhappiness with the war has begun to dissipate. The war has been won, but Democrats can take no credit for it. All of their prescriptions for it were ostensibly aimed at mitigating our "inevitable" defeat. The fact is, following the recommendations from the Democrats would have guaranteed our defeat. It was in the face of Democrats' incessant demands for troops to be pulled out that John McCain pushed for the troop surge that made victory possible. Fast forward to the Democratic convention where that chain of events left Nancy Pelosi absurdly trying to work the convention crowd into a refrain, "Barack Obama is right, and John McCain is wrong." Making that case is going to get more and more difficult for them as we get closer to November.

The campaign will get nasty, as you say, but it's McCain who will be accused of the nastiness. When he sat down with the Wall Street Journal editorial board earlier in his campaign, he was asked what surprised him most about Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid regarding their positions on Iraq, and he replied, "their lack of patriotism." This campaign is going to be a beauty.


Here is a link to an article that I find you might be interested in.



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