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August 13, 2008



At least you are writing about a country in Russia that is actually a threat to the national security interests of the United States.

But this is a poor conflict to get worked up about.

The Georgian President is a flake, known for unstable unpredictable behavior. The judiciary is not separate from the executive, which is why opposition leaders are routinely put in jail. Independent television stations have been shut down.

In one of the dumbest military stunts since Argentina invaded the Falklands, silly little Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili initiated a bombing campaign on an autonomous region that killed Russian soldiers and many civilians most of whom had Russian passports. The United States would never tolerate the killing of its military personnel in such a manner.

NATO is for stable constitutional governments that have been around for at least a generation. Not for “democracies” that are not constitutional and headed by nutcases.

Good editorial here:


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