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« OK, that's one. But can you give me another one? | Main | Disappointing performance »

September 26, 2008



I can't for the life of me understand what your trying to say.

It was Bush who called the meeting. The only reason there was a photo op was because Bush called the meeting.

The reason Obama was at the White House was because Bush called him and asked him if he would attend a meeting at the White House.

The reason for this meeting is becoming embarrasingly transparent, as nothing got discussed there.

Without thinking things through, McCain announced he was "suspending" his campaign. He had to "rush" to Washington.

The problem is, there wasn't anything for him to attend once he got there.

That is why it took over 24 hours for him to "rush" from New York to Washington, D.C. on his private jet, a trip that only takes an hour and a half, not a full day. A meeting had to be set up so that he could attend something.

Then he says he won't leave town to go to the debate until there is a deal. There is as yet no deal, but he is now going to the debate.

He looked ridiculous -- nothing new there.

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