Democrats accused the Bush adminstration of failure to exercise proper oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Pelosi (D-Calif.) ripped President Bush’s “mismanagement” of the economy and a lack of regulation that led to the current situation.
Tom Maguire points out that Democrats blocked legislation calling for tighter regulations.
However, the record tells the opposite story - Bush has been pushing for stricter regulation of Fanni Mae and Freddie Mac for years and has been blocked by Congressional Democrats. Let's go back to 2003 with the NY Times:
Read the whole thing.
And lest we forget...the slush funds for Barney Frank & Friends as well as all of the PAC contributions to our honorable & esteemed Congress on both sides of the aisle (/sarcasm mode off).
I get so tire of this blame nonsense--I want to fire every damn one of them! How about getting the ballots modified so that if a majority of the voters check off "None of the Above" the current candidates are disqualified and we have a snap election with new faces within 60 days?
Posted by: Unscripted Thoughts | September 19, 2008 at 01:25 PM