The Wall Street Journal points out Barack Obama has come through on his promise to put an end to partisansip.
'Barack Obama promised to end the "politics of division," unite Washington's factions and overcome partisanship. And what do you know -- so far he has: The President's stimulus plan generated bipartisan House opposition, with every Republican and 11 Democrats voting against it on Wednesday. It passed 244-188.'
Opposition to the president is bipartisan. Support for his stimulus plan is, shall we say, unilateral?
Which brings us to the offer to Sen. Gregg to be "promoted" out of the way,
and have the current seated Gov. "appoint" a replacement more to Mr. Soros' liking.
Unlike Senators elected in "other" states, I'd kind of like to see ours
show the integrity to fulfill his tacit contract to serve the people of NH that elected him, at LEAST for the duration of the term he
agreed to by running, and accepting the publics hard-earnedfor his campaign. lest he join the ranks of those stigmatized with the RINO virus.
Bipartisan indeed. I went out of my way to vote for an unwavering PARTISAN defender of the values I happen to share with Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Langdon, Mr. (Sam) Adams, and Mr. Madison.
NO, we CAN'T "just be reasonable" and "see it" the Socialist/Communist/Facist way.
Posted by: CaptDMO | January 31, 2009 at 08:27 AM