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« The Road Untravelled | Main | Bipartisanship »

January 23, 2009



And no surprise that Israelis, apparently with longer memories of historically liberal/Democrat integrity when push comes to shove,
have withdrawn a fair part of their assets from downtown Gaza, lest they suffer the same fate of those stranded, and abandoned, by the "bold" executive "policy" showcased in The Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Chamberlain would be proud. Montgomery would stop for tea.
Reid and Pelosi will be at the "secret" luxury bunker in Virginia.
NY "Senator" Kennedy-Slossberg (are we ALLOWED to use that name?)? Oh PLEASE!
Biden will be shouting "Women and children first" as Obama must
stand at the ready- to give his more extreme party members yet ANOTHER little tap on the elbow whenever they get near cameras and microphones without those "special" filters, perhaps while berating his critics with "Be reasonable, let's meet in the middle and just appease the Socialist Fascist puppetmasters."

But, that's just my opinion.

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