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March 29, 2009



It's not's a computer program based on PIPO. Pessimism in, pessimism out.

Tom Bowler



Well... It is fallacious to state that just because CO2 is required at some concentration it cannot be a pollutant or dangerous at a higher concentration. Check out selenium, for instance, which is both a necessary nutrient and a potent toxin.

I am finishing reading Lomborg's _Cool It_. I recommend the book highly. It is a fast read and puts global climate change in perspective. And utterly destroys the claims that we must immediately implement Kyoto and far more to Save The Planet.

Tom Bowler

"Well... It is fallacious to state that just because CO2 is required at some concentration it cannot be a pollutant or dangerous at a higher concentration."

I disagree. If you were sealed into a room that had a 100% CO2 atmosphere you would surely die. But you would die from lack of oxygen, not overexposure to CO2. CO2 itself is not harmful. You are exposed to it all the time.

Protecting the environment is not the driving reason for the push to classify CO2 as a pollutant. By officially making it a pollutant, the Environmental Protection Agency would gain the power to regulate everything that might add CO2 to our endangered atmosphere, potentially right down to the act of breathing. And of course once the regulatory framework is in place, decisions would be made without benefit of legislative debate. This is what our dear friends on the left hope to achieve. The goal is to impose their special concept of social justice through environmental regulation.

Come on, Fritz. Somebody's got to make sure you don't take more than your fair share.

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