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April 18, 2009



Where's the part where "The Republican Party" wants the continued support
of Conservative voters? I have to say that listening to young Ms. McCain
(Why..WHY.. is she placed at a lectern?)deliver the "accede to "gay" values" meme, with a not-so-inspiring whiny Valley Girl presence, did less for my faith in the current crop of 'Pub wanna bes than Frank Rich trotting out the weary homophobia malaprop to tinkle on ANY criticism of "gay" advocacy, especially when rational homosexuals have been shut out of the conversation by progressive operatives. Why do I believe that the left (and their allies) fears, and/or hates, Log Cabin Republicans as much as current N.O.W. operatives hate Erin Pizzy or Wendy McElroy?

Libertarian? indeed!
Maybe I'll drop by at Roger's Campground after all.

Tom Bowler

"Why do I believe that the left (and their allies) fears, and/or hates, Log Cabin Republicans as much as current N.O.W. operatives hate Erin Pizzy or Wendy McElroy?"

The Log Cabin Republicans can easily be perceived as a threat to Democrats since they are not beholden to the Democratic party for their existence. Of course, intellectual giants like Jeanine Garafolo will undoubtedly claim that Log Cabin Republicans suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.


Unfortunately I think the only thing the Republican party can be trusted to stick with is trying tom maintain their power. Principles are second at best. I cringe hearing all these born again fiscally conservative congress critters complaining about Obama's wild spending while ignoring the huge deficit that they let George Bush run up. All libertarians should tell the GOP where to go and join the Libertarian party. Stop voting for the turkeys based on what they're telling you they're going to do (once you return them to power, of course) and join the party with a clear track record of elected officials doing what they said they were going to do -- cut back government.


Great post..


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