In the latest version of Nancy Pelosi's tale of the CIA enhanced interrogation briefings, not only was she not told about them, she also claims that it was not her job to protest the methods anyway.
'"My job was to change the majority in Congress and to change --- to fight to have a new president because what was happening was not consistent with our values, certainly not true and something that had to be changed. We did that. We have a new president. He says he's going to ban torture," she said.
"But no letter could change the policy," Pelosi said. "It was clear we had to change the leadership of the Congress and the White House. That was my job."
Republicans' jaws dropped at her statements.'
It can't be news of her job description that has Republicans flabbergasted. It's pretty obvious that politics is her job and it always has been. These minor issues, like how to defend the nation, are distractions from the real objective which is to elect Democrats. Nancy Pelosi's job, and Barack Obama's for that matter, is to fashion government policies that will guarantee a permanent Democratic majority. National defense, the economy -- these are issues the have no importance in themselves.
Chris Muir is in exceptionally fine form today.
What were the exceptional circumstances that led Ms. Pelosi to the post of "chair"?
Just sayin'...
Posted by: CaptDMO | May 15, 2009 at 10:26 AM