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June 26, 2009



You're kidding right?
I mean, you're just trying to be polite, right?
Not only are there a plethora of valid rebuttals against the "dire"
consequences of anthro-carbon release, there are also a wad of so-called peer reviews, debunking the "false interpretations" in the "papers" that current presenters of the cap-and-trade Trojan Horse present as evidence that the sky is falling, and only cash generation via. "tributes" to the King and his court from the little people will save Ms. Pelosi's personal sedan chair transportation between California, Washington, and other points "critical" to "administrative concerns".

Hence- political pronouncements that "The debate is settled", followed by "We must act NOW (meaning a Friday afternoon),with 300 pages of "oh, by the way" added without review. Folks that are afforded the time to actually read the proposal seem to be saying "Heyyyyy....wait a second here!".

Gee, is there any "Sunset" review clause, you know, just in case (like Clinton Era assaults on the 2ND that proved unconstitutional)? Why not ma'am?

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