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« 10 Things About Health Care in America | Main | What Obama Would Like to See -- Single Payer »

August 05, 2009


Geoff Brown

I would argue with Mr. Laffer on a key point: Congress should enact nothing at all. Insurance operations, as a matter of contract law, have been the purview of the states and not the federal government. There is no constitutional or historical role for the federal government in overseeing how people select, pay for, and utilize healthcare or healthcare financing tools like insurance.
I need to be a little careful. In the rain of healthcare costs, I have an excellent umbrella as a military retiree. I have moderate copays and deductibles and I have a pretty low "catastrophic cap" per year, something I've never even reached 25% of. I also dislike being the object of most healthcare myself so I see a doctor only when I have a significant problem that I can't manage myself (try doing your own hernia repair surgery).
If I did need to provide for my own healthcare costs, I think I'd do what I do with my car: high deductible, manage most costs myself. But it's only fair to note that an office visit these days can hit a couple of hundred dollars in a hurry. A practice's costs are high: facility, utilities, staff. It's possible that, if people could afford less, doctors would charge less. But I'm leery about that working. It hasn't done much good that I can see in dental care, although it's been very effective in laser eye surgery and some cosmetic medicine.

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