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« No Town Hall Meetings On The Schedule | Main | Casually Demonizing »

August 15, 2009



Good analysis, Tom, as politics in America is really getting out of hand. The supposed "noble intentions" of progressive reform are rapidly giving away to what appears to be power-hungry politicians looking to get everyone on the dole, thus more votes.

Tom Bowler

Thanks, LT. Power hungry politicians have been masquerading as compassionate champions of the downtrodden for decades, and their game plan hasn't changed much over the years. They've always looked to get everyone on the dole, but what's new is the focus on special interest money and the use of the bully pulpit to get it. Or maybe I just never noticed it, but I don't know of any other time when companies or lobbyists were coerced into ponying up public relations funding for legislation they would not normally favor. With this deal it appears the drug companies have agreed to spend $150 million promoting Obama's plan in the hope of avoiding a complete government takeover.


Hello Tom,
I personally believe that the health care system in this country is broken. But the proposed cure is even worse. What we have in the health care debate is Demand Side Economics (which is what made us sick in the first place) struggling against….nothing, (bombast and criticism). The Conservatives, if they had any intelligence, would be urging Supply Side Solutions (De-regulation of the insurance industry, new insurance products, transparency of the medical process, and repealing HIPA) but there are no Market People left among the Conservatives. As my father used to say, “The only solution for high prices is high prices.” I say, “The only solution to high prices is the open market.”

Tom Bowler

Isn't it fascinating, Fred, how the discussions of controlling the cost of health care never approach the topic of health care itself. They're always about insurance. I don't agree that the health care system in this country is broken, but it is constrained.

Thirty-five years ago hospital nursing schools were shut down across the country in favor of college programs. The purpose was to elevate the status and compensation of registered nurses by making nursing a degreed profession. Result? Shortage of nurses. That's just one constraint.

Broken or not I agree with your antidote, the market. Whether it is deregulation or reregulation, consumers have to control the health care spending, and that can be accomplished with health savings accounts. Insurance should be reserved for the catastropic events.

And then there's the topic of tort reform...

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