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August 05, 2009


Geoff Brown

AGW/gorebull warming is based on poor assumptions. The only hard data in their collection is that humans are emitting more CO2 now than ever before. This is clearly so. But everything else?
It is not clear that, in fact, the globe has warmed in the last 150 years. Records are incomplete at best. Some points have certainly recorded warming but most are in urban heat islands and many of the measuring units are constructed to skew the temperature up.
It is not clear how much the change in atmospheric CO2 is due to human emissions and activities. The increasing human emissions are too small to have raised the atmospheric CO2 as much as measurements seem to show it has risen.
It is not clear that the atmospheric CO2 has risen as much as claimed. The Mauna Loa observations are the usual baseline but I have read (can't cite source) that not all reporting stations show the same changes.
It is not clear that CO2 would have driven any changes that may or may not have happened anyway. A simple R-squared measure of atmospheric CO2 and global temperatures doesn't come in at a very high value.
It is not clear that a slightly warmer world would be unusual or that a slightly warmer world would be less prosperous in any dimension than a slightly cooler world.
It is clear that the AGW gang's favorite temperature gauge has fallen in the last several years as CO2 emissions have risen. Dr. Hansen's usual measure was actually lower at the time of his 20th anniversary speech than it was on the day he first raised the global warming flag in Congress.
It is clear that some glaciers have advanced and others have retreated.
It is clear that the long-term trend in ocean levels has remained constant, not accelerating.
It is clear that every catastrophic global warming model is wrong. They have no predictive value and don't even work if you back up twenty years and ask them what will happen.
It is clear that many of the AGW gang would like to reduce the standard of living for most people on the globe and prevent an improvement in the standard of living for the globe's poorest inhabitants.

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