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« Calling a Spade a Spade | Main | We'll Thank Them For It In The End »

August 19, 2009


Geoff Brown

If Cindy Sheehan had a problem with war, she'd be more angry at those who launched this round -- the Muslim terror networks -- than at either the Democrats or the Republicans. Cindy Sheehan seems to be simply an anti-American surrender monkey.

Tom Bowler

I think Cindy is crazy from grief, having lost her son. I can't begin to imagine the pain she's gone through. It would make more sense to me if she would channel her rage in the direction of al Qaeda and their allies, but for whatever reason she can't seem to do it. I have to admire her for sticking to her message.

For the rest of the lefties out there, being against the war, or being for or against anything, is only a pose. Useful as a means of gaining power, to be dropped when no longer needed. It's always been that way

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