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September 11, 2009



Am I the only "strategist" on the planet to consider Afghanistan as
militarily and politically untouchable (by contemporary means) as Switzerland, simply due to geography and climate?

Much like what is now known as The United States, the indigenous folk have no need to adhere to "the rules" of war set by ANY invaders. They hide behind rocks, and don't wear convenient targets designating them as "not-civilian". (whatever THAT might imply)

Tell me again about the firearms murder rate amongst those nice folk with open arms markets, ensuring that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." I understand the suicide rates are higher than the murder rates in (mandatory possession) Israel and Switzerland as well.

I could be wrong...

There are those that might opine that "Things are different now..." than the post-conflict "Colonies", and current "political science" trends in Afghanistan.

THEY could be wrong...

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